Using mediainfo to extract the "Recorded_Date" from a video file, and using it to set the timestamp of the file.

for f in *.mov; do t=$(mediainfo --Inform="General;%Recorded_Date%" "$f"); echo "$f $t"; [ -z "$t" ] && continue; t2=$(perl -e '$_=shift; s/[- :]//g; s/(\d\d)\.\d+$/.$1/; print' "$t"); touch -t "$t2" "$f" && echo "ok"; done


for f in *.mov; do                                                         # all mov files in current folder
    t=$(mediainfo --Inform="General;%Recorded_Date%" "$f")                 # get date
    echo "$f $t"
    [ -z "$t" ] && continue                                                # skip if no date found in file
    t2=$(perl -e '$_=shift; s/[- :]//g; s/(\d\d)\.\d+$/.$1/; print' "$t")  # convert format for touch 
    touch -t "$t2" "$f" && echo "ok"                                       # do it